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The article considers some theoretical aspects of modern innovation dynamics, reveals the objective patterns, the content and mechanisms of periodic innovation renewal of society. The article claims that the modern model of economic growth is based on the innovative type of development. Also, it involves the change of the concept of scientific and technological progress and scientific and technical development. Some new priorities of the modern paradigm of the innovation process are highlighted: intellectualization of production activity, environmental friendliness, use of high technologies.

Innovative development is carried out logically and is cyclical under the influence of certain causes that caused it and which are based on it. However, its course is influenced by many other factors, in various circumstances. The Cycle is considered as the general form of movement of the world economy and national economies, which expresses the unevenness of the functioning of various elements of the national economy, the change of evolutionary stages of its development. It is a matter of continuous fluctuations in business activity, take-offs and a decline in market conditions, the alternation of extensive and intensive types of economic growth. The cyclicality is the movement from one macroeconomic equilibrium to the scale of at least the national economy to the second. The epicenter of the cyclical movement is a crisis, which combines the boundary and the impetus for economic growth.

The update is not continuous. It is changing a period of relatively smooth, even development until the potential of this state and its evolutionary perfection will not be exhausted. You cannot permanently, permanently reform the system: its forces are depleted and it will prematurely descend from the historical scene. But it is dangerous and too late with the update: the system's efficiency drops; the belated update will be painful or end with the collapse of the system.

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Keywords:  model of innovation-based growth, landmark, basic innovations antiinnovations, cyclical dynamics.


Omelchenko Roman
PhD., Associate Professor SHEI «Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman»












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